Keep Grinding
Tony C.Franklion
8/12/20241 min read

Grind it Out
"Please, understand if you're not a grinder, you're never going to max out. The grinders in this sport make it. So just be that guy." Coach John Calipari, Arkansas Basketball Coach.
This was part of a statement Coach Cal made to his first Arkansas basketball team after summer workouts. The part that resonates with me is: "The grinders in this sport make it."
It's the grinders in business who make it. It's the writers who keep grinding that make it. One more word. One more sentence. Another paragraph, and another page, soon becomes another book because they became a grinder. One more seed, one more row, and soon the field is planted. It's the work that gets you to the finish line.
Every story will not be a bestseller. But, when we keep working, keep writing, the chances increase.
Keep grinding, my friends. The opportunity is in the hard work.
Have a Great Week,
#MondayMotivational #GrinfItOut #tonycfranklin